Topic4Portal to a Better Student Experience
Project Manager, Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is just that, learning in action. Through curricular and co-curricular opportunities, the U of G Experiential Learning Hub provides students with opportunities inside and outside the classroom to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes critical to success in the workplace and life after university. CCS Project Manager/Business Analyst Usha Shenoy has been working closely with the Experiential Learning team to help them launch a one-stop, user-friendly, student-focused online portal, intended to be the entry point to enhanced experiential learning at U of G.
The Experience Guelph portal provides a platform that enables tracking and reporting for things like student eligibility, hours of work, and student reflections, and has close integrations with University systems like Single Sign-On and Colleague. Usha has played a critical role in coordinating these system integrations, orchestrating the migration to the cloud (an initiative that involved multiple departments and significant CCS support) and has kept a keen eye on user needs to ensure this portal meets the requirements of both students and administrators.